We invite you to prayerfully consider beginning the admissions process. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our Director of Admissions, Mr. Dunn Estacio at [email protected].
The following prayer was adapted from a prayer for God’s will by our patron saint, St. John Henry Newman. We encourage families to pray this prayer daily as they prepare to inquire about the unique Catholic education which Cathedral High School offers.
Lord, who came into this world to do the Father’s will, not Thine own, give our family a true submission to the will of the Father. We believe, O Saviour, that Thou know just what is best for us. We believe that Thou love us, that Thou art all-wise in Thy Providence, and all-powerful in Thy protection. Thou hast bidden us put ourselves into Thy hands. We can ask nothing better than this, to be Thy care, not our own. We will wait on Thee for Thy guidance, and, on obtaining it, we will act upon it in simplicity and without fear. We know, O Lord, Thou wilt do Thy part towards us, as we, through Thy grace, desire to do our part towards Thee. And therefore now we cry out to Thee, and entreat Thee, that Thou wouldest keep us from following any will but Thine.
Saint John Henry Newman, pray for us.
Please fill out our inquiry form so that our Director of Admissions can keep you up to date about prospective parent nights, open houses, and other fun events happening throughout the year.
Choosing a high school is an exciting family decision! While our applications are open, we would love to spend some time getting to know one another while sharing the vision and answering any questions you may have about seeking admission to a new high school. Come and spend some time with us.
Ask for a tour of our beautiful building. Find out if Cathedral is a good fit for your family. If you have any questions in the process, feel free to contact our Director of Admissions, Dunn Estacio.
After you have completed the application and paid the application fee, a new checklist on the same parent portal you created will generate, allowing you to continue to turn in the necessary douments for your application packet. These include:
Application Form
Math, English, and Administrator recommendations
Transcripts for 3 previous years
Student Essay
ISEE scores (see below) or CLT if applicable for students from a classical school
Click here to download our records release form. Completed applications with all corresponding materials must be submitted to be considered for the first round of priority applicants.
Click here to download the Houston Area Independent School Recommendation Forms.
All applications with necessary documents are due on January 16. Decisions will be released on March 7, and the Common Reply Date is on March 26.
Applications submitted after this date will be considered on a rolling basis.
Once your application has been completed, and we have received all the required forms, the Admissions Office will contact you to schedule a family interview.
The interview will take place at the Cathedral High School, and we ask parents and prospective students to attend this interview.
At the Family Interview, a shadow day may be requested. Applications will continue to be accepted after the deadline as space allows.